Marguerat Degaard Psychology PLLC


Fanchette Marguerat Degaard, PhD
Fanchette Degaard is a therapist’s therapist. I have known her for the past 15 years. I have witnessed her work with patients and students, and I have been grateful to count her as my close colleague and friend. I have always, always looked up to her: I am amazed at her creativity, her deep and thoughtful intellect, her wonderful humor and elan, and her profound care for the people she is helping.

Kate Chittenden, Psy.D

 Dr. Degaard is a highly qualified clinician. She is one of the most talented, skilled and dedicated therapists I’ve ever known. Dr. Degaard has a unique ability to understand her patients’ psychological makeup and convey her thoughts in a clear, empathic and genuine manner. Dr. Degaard has high standards of work ethics and professionalism and at the same time, she is warm, relatable and kind. Dr. Degaard has gained my utmost respect over the 15 years we have known each other as a superb clinician and an honorable individual.   

Dr. Jakob Meydan
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

I have the privilege to met Dr. Degaard in my Post Doctoral training. Having her as my Supervisor was a true blessing. Her Transformational Leadership Style guided my professional and personal development. Dr. Degaard has the art to combine her kindness and wisdom with her assertive and empowering communication style leading to a deep introspection in each interaction. Having her as a Mentor enriched the clinical skills I learned in my academic formation and previous therapeutic experiences. I witnessed the healing therapeutic approach Dr. Degaard uses in her intervention with patients. Dr. Degaard’ s sessions are perfectly seasoned with compassion, devotion, and unconditional positive regard, maximizing the healing process. I recommend her as Supervisor and as Clinician without any reservations.

Elisamuel Martinez, Psy.D.

“I’ve known Dr. Marguerat Degaard since 2014 as a director of training, a supervisor, and a colleague, and I couldn’t have been luckier to have worked with her in these different capacities. She is the clinician that has inspired me the most in my career. I constantly see myself channeling her energy and stance in my work and supervision. She is warm, empathic, and exudes an inherent humaneness. Dr. Marguerat Degaard has a creative/artistic background, is bilingual, is most attuned to the verbal and non-verbal forms of expression, and tends to think outside the box. She is a great match for clients in the creative/artistic fields. She engages deeply and meaningfully with human rights and social justice issues; she is sensitive to the sociopolitical context of others and how it manifests in the space between her and them. She demonstrates humility and care no matter the modality or orientation. She fosters a space of validation, holding, and containing, balanced with sensible and needed challenge in order to promote change and growth. Dr. Marguerat Degaard is one of the most competent and accomplished clinicians I know.”

Marie-Anne Issa, PhD.

Dr. Marguerat Degaard has been an integral part of my training as a clinical psychologist. She approaches the work from a deeply connected, warm, and thoughtful space that invites those whom she works with to explore themselves and their relationships authentically and honestly. Her background in dance, music and art allows for multi-sensory exploration beyond traditional talk therapy and I continue to appreciate her use of imagery and movement in my own work. I appreciate her clinical insight, steadiness, clarity, and communication which I’ve been able to observe and learn from across a variety of roles and settings.  She is a great fit for anyone who is interested in creative and curious exploration that seeks to foster self-expression and integration of mind and body. –

Dr. Justine E. Gervacio, PsyD
School – Clinical Psychologist